Grassroots Leadership Development

To unleash entrepreneurial creativity in the artisans and to improve the challenges faced due to dependency on one another we implemented self management in the grassroots. Our Leadership Development program works on transformational leadership and on the concepts of Reinventing organizations, Next stage in the evaluation of human consciousness: TEAL

  • Based on mutual trust
  • Rapid change and adaptation
  • Satisfied and self motivated teams
  • Compassion and appreciation to all.
  • Self organization and self management
  • Everyone has a say in the org, no bosses!
  • Shifting from external to inner yardsticks
  • Take responsibility for their own governance
  • Decentralized structure consisting of small teams
  • Assigned positions and job descriptions are replaced with a multiplicity of roles, self selected and fluid.

Entreprenuership development

Nushaura functions as a for-profit business in the crafts space to involve artisans as owners, by giving them shares in the company in order to bring an increased sense of responsibility and efficiency.

Due to lack of exposure rural women have spent most of their time doing household chores,there is no financial independence and they are not able to make choice for themselves so building confidence is the primary challenge.

Through these programs, Artisans are educated about the entire supply chain, customers, waste reduction, taking ownership and organizational values alongside learning the end to end product development cycle.

Artisan Engagement

The Nushaura’s Artisan engagement program is created to discover and nurture the true potential and capacity of our artisans and thereby empower them to fulfill their aspirations. Grassroot Sangini at Nushaura - ‘ Roshni’

‘Roshini ’in Hindi means light, one who shows you the direction. Roshini at Nushaura is referred to the woman artisan who guides other artisans giving them the right direction towards meeting the quality of the product, alongside their unique leadership style.

Self Management

“Be your own Hero!”   – Tanushree Jain

To unleash entrepreneurial creativity in the artisans and to improve the challenges faced due to dependency on one another we implemented self management in the grassroots of rural India.